Thought £69.99 for Wii Fit was steep? EA’s Rock Band costs twice as much, although you do get drums, guitar and a mic. Game said they had trouble getting enough stock for pre-orders which goes to show that there’s demand despite the high price tag. It’s an Xbox 360-exclusive in Europe, at least for a while, but if you own a PlayStation 3 you could always import. Probably would turn out cheaper too.
Talking of cheaper, Battle of the Bands is out on Wii this week at a somewhat more affordable £24.99. Or £12.99 from Play’s bank holiday sale. Reviews haven’t been too shabby. Unlike Haze, which has had some very critical reviews. Like a 4.5 from IGN, who felt the need to point out that all the vehicles have the same horn noise. Eurogamer didn’t like it either, giving it a poor 4. Ouch.
Next week: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, GRID and some budget muck for Wii.