The second – or is it third? – PlayStation 3 price drop has shaken up the chart a bit, propelling Resistance all the way from #22 to #8 and Motorstorm up from #23 to #18. Heavenly Sword goes back in at #14 and Formula 1 also makes a re-appearance at #24.
Project Gotham Racing 4 is the biggest new entry at #2, failing to knock FIFA 08 off the top. Halo 3 is currently at #3; Ratatouille is on the way up – rising from #8 to #4 – but Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights takes a spin down from #3 to #7. Crash of the Titans enters at #19 – not particularly good seeing as Asda and a few other places were selling it for as little as twenty quid – but it’s still done better than Star Wars: Renegade Squadron which isn’t even in the top 40. Not good at all considering the license attached.
Spider-man: Friend or Foe hasn’t done well on its first week of release either. In fact, if we go by the Wii chart it’s being outsold by the utterly dire Chicken Shoot.