It wouldn’t be a surprise if Pokemon Diamond & Pearl goes on to be the best selling DS game of 2007, although it might struggle to knock Harry Potter and Transformers off their lofty perches in the chart. We reckon that Diamond will outsell Pearl though.
There’s only one other DS game out this week, and that’s Guilty Gear Dust Strikers. We reviewed the US version way back in October 2006 and weren’t very impressed, even though the developers had tried to do something new with the franchise by including four-on-four battles in multi-tiered arenas. It walked away with a poor 4 out of 10.
In addition to Rugby 08, the PlayStation 2 gets Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s. Neversoft – who are usually associated with Tony Hawks – developed this spin-off, which includes 30 new old tracks. There’s a trailer here if you’re wanting to rock out this summer.
Next week: Ubisoft’s Surf’s Up on everything but not much else.