Good news! Viva Pinata: Party Animals has been announced at E3.
Bad news! It’s a collection of colourful mini-games.
Odd news! It’s not being developed by Rare, but rather Ty the Tazmanian Tiger creators Krome. We know that Rare are working on Banjo-Kazooie, but it seems strange that Microsoft have taken their franchise away from them so soon.
The trailer reveals a few of the 40-odd mini-games, including one where the critters have to do a huge burp to propel a boat across a lake. Online play will apparently be a big part of the package. It all sounds a bit Fuzion Frenzy to us at this stage though.
Microsoft also announced a quiz game – Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action – which sounds like a copy of Sony’s popular Buzz series (it even comes with enlarged big button controllers).
There was also confirmation that Bomberman, Sonic, Golden Axe, Bungie’s Marathon: Durandal, and the amazing Puzzle Quest will be available on Xbox Live Arcade soon.
New trailers for Halo Wars and Halo 3 were shown too, and have been getting Internet types frothing at the mouth.