One of the biggest complaints aimed at the Wii thus far is that too many publishers are pushing out half-arsed conversions of PlayStation 2 titles.
Sadly, this isn’t going to improve any time soon, as budget developers Data Design Interactive are re-releasing twelve of their PlayStation 2 efforts, including platfomrer Ninjabread Man, broomstick racer Billy the Wizard and the 18-rated Earache Extreme Metal Racing. Although it’s good to see a big slew of ‘new’ games for the Wii, the fact that most of their games can already be found in Poundland – albeit on PC – speaks for their quality.
The first six are due in the second quarter, with another six towards the end of the year. No mention has been made of price, but if they’re any more than a tenner then they’re having a laugh – some of the games in their line-up are nearly three years old.