Slam dunk the funk

There were a couple of games out last week which slipped under Game’s release radar: Activision Hits Remixed and Metal Slug Anthology on PSP. If you do a search on their site then neither appear, which is bizarre. Game are usually very reliable though, so we’ll just put it down to last week being an absurdly busy one for game releases.

This week is the opposite, and as such there isn’t much to talk about. Excite Truck on Wii has finally made an appearance, as has Mario Slam Baseball on DS. On 360 there’s Fuzion Frenzy 2 – which is apparently almost identical to the original – and re-releases of Dead or Alive 4 and Project Gotham Racing 3.

Capcom’s God Hand on PlayStation 2 is another that’s been out in the US for ages. Then on PSP we have Chilli Con Carnage – aka Total Overdose 2 – and TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge. Total Overdose was a great little GTA clone, but the lack of publicity for Chilli Con Carnage is a bit worrying.

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